42 Tricky Names That Mean Deceit or Deception

While deceit and deception may carry negative connotations, they also embody traits of sharp intellect and cleverness. For those seeking a name that stands out, opting for one associated with cunning and guile can be a unique choice.

From Keres to Wily, a plethora of playful and intriguing names awaits. Drawing inspiration from mischievous tricksters in folklore, mythological figures of deceit, and even the realm of thievery, there’s no shortage of options to consider. This diverse selection spans the globe, offering beautiful and captivating choices for your child.

If you’re eager to explore this collection of names influenced by deceit and deception, delve into these fashionable selections now.



If you’re seeking a name imbued with a touch of intrigue and subtle cunning, consider these options for your little girl:

1. Eris

Derived from Ancient Greek, Eris exudes elegance and enchantment. It refers to the Greek goddess of strife and chaos, embodying the essence of a “woman of discord”.

2. Keres

Keres, with its Greek origin, is a sweet moniker suited for a darling trickster. It translates to “deceptive spirit“, adding a hint of mystery to your daughter’s name.

3. Apate

For a baby girl, Apate carries the meaning of “goddess of deception“. This beautiful Greek name also signifies one who possesses a knack for mischief and trouble.

4. Sidero

Sidero, rooted in Ancient Greek, offers an unusual yet lovely option for your cunning newborn. Meaning “evil and deceptive nymph“, it also conveys the notion of “luminous beauty“.

5. Narada

Derived from Indian and Hindu mythology, Narada is a charming choice for your daughter. Its meaning, “clever trickster” and “charming“, evokes a sense of playful allure.

6. Mestra

With its Ancient Greek origin, Mestra epitomizes cunning wit and tricks. This name, which also connotes “shapeshifter“, carries an air of mystery and adaptability.

7. Rebecca

Originating from the Old Hebrew word “rivkah“, Rebecca holds a dual meaning of “to tie tightly” and “one who deceives“. Its commonality adds a subtle yet intriguing depth to this list.

8. Sarka

Sarka, a stunning Czech name, speaks of one known for trickery, drawing inspiration from Czech folklore. Its feminine elegance conceals a clever and mischievous spirit.

9. Ananasi

Of African origin, Ananasi’s lyrical sound echoes its meaning of “spider trickster“. This name captures the essence of cunning and intrigue with a touch of cultural richness.

10. Kuma

Derived from Bulgarian roots, Kuma is the epitome of a “trickster fox“. Its cuteness belies a clever and sly character drawn from Bulgarian mythology.

11. Sivanah

With roots in Hebrew and Tamil, Sivanah was the patron of tricksters, illusionists, and secret keepers. This timeless name exudes an aura of mystique and cunning.

12. Leah

Though popular, Leah carries a deeper meaning from Hebrew folklore. Its association with trickery through the story of Jacob adds an intriguing layer to its simplicity.

13. Medea

Of Ancient Greek origin, Medea is both stunning and melodic. Meaning “cunning sorceress” and “trickster“, it embodies the allure of mystery and deception.

14. Laverna

With English and Latin roots, Laverna signifies “goddess of thieves” and “liar“. Its association with a Roman goddess adds a touch of classical intrigue to this list.

15. Dysnomia

This Greek name, meaning “lawlessness” and “deceitful liar“, makes for an unforgettable choice. It carries an air of rebellion and cunning wrapped in its elegant sound.

16. Daeva

Daeva, with its Indian origin, exudes strength and melody. Its meaning of “deceptive spirit” or “demon spirit” adds a hint of mystery and allure to your daughter’s name.

17. Cozbi

Derived from the Hebrew word “kazab“, Cozbi signifies “to lie“. Despite its innocence, this name carries a subtle suggestion of cunning and deception.

18. Delilah

Of Hebrew origin, Delilah’s sweetness belies its folklore association with deception. Its duality adds depth and intrigue to this floral name.

19. Mohini

From Hindu mythology, Mohini embodies the essence of a “trickster goddess“. Its enchanting nature reflects the allure and mystery of the divine feminine.

20. Sigyn

Rooted in Ancient Greek, Sigyn’s delicate beauty is complemented by its association with Scandinavian folklore. As Loki’s wife, it carries a subtle hint of cunning and resilience.

21. Calypso

With its Ancient Greek roots, Calypso embodies power and mystery. Meaning “she who hides“, it evokes the enigmatic allure of the infamous demi-goddess.

22. Ruse

Derived from Old English, Ruse embodies the art of deception. Its classy yet fun essence adds a playful touch to your daughter’s name, suggesting a clever and strategic mindset.

Also read this Post: 72 Dangerously Cool Names That Mean Monster



1. Hermes

Hermes, a name both charming and boyish, carries the weight of its Ancient Greek roots. Meaning “messenger god,” it harkens back to a deity associated with communication and cunning, making it a fitting choice for parents seeking a name with a touch of mystique.

2. Dolion

Derived from the Greek word dolios, Dolion is a name that exudes uniqueness. Signifying “deceitful and crafty,” it paints a portrait of a personality with layers of complexity, perfect for parents drawn to names with depth.

3. Ulkos

With its Old Celtic origins, Ulkos is an endearing choice for a baby boy. Despite its sweet sound, its meaning, “one who acts with intense wickedness” and “one who lies,” adds a dash of intrigue to this otherwise gentle-sounding name.

4. Zomo

Zomo stands out as a distinctive name rooted in Nigerian folklore. Meaning “trickster rabbit” with “wily charm,” it promises to set your little one apart with its blend of cultural richness and mischievous allure.

5. Kaazib

For parents seeking a name with a touch of mystery, Kaazib fits the bill. Originating from Arabic, it embodies the essence of deception with its meaning “liar” or “fake,” adding a layer of enigmatic appeal to your child’s identity.

6. Malherbe

Drawing from Old French origins, Malherbe emerges as a trendy and masculine choice. Despite its stylish flair, its meaning, “bad one” or “one who speaks untruths,” lends it a hint of edginess, perfect for parents with a penchant for unconventional names.

7. Anwir

Rooted in Old English and Welsh, Anwir carries a sense of tradition with a twist. Meaning “one who deceives,” it combines classic charm with a hint of intrigue, making it an ideal option for parents seeking a timeless yet distinctive name.

8. Maximon

Maximon intrigues with its origins in Guatemalan and Mayan culture. Meaning “trickster deity,” it conjures images of ancient myths and legends, adding a touch of mysticism to your child’s name.

9. Kharique

From the Arabic language emerges Kharique, a name steeped in intrigue. Meaning “liar” or “deceitful man,” it carries a sense of enigmatic allure, making it a captivating choice for parents looking beyond conventional names.

10. Pedro

Pedro, a Hispanic name with ties to folklore, carries a sense of vibrancy and charm. Meaning “trickster” or “bright and quick-witted,” it offers a connection to cultural traditions while exuding a playful energy.

11. Moritz

Moritz shines as a pleasant and memorable name of German origin. Linked to a mythological hero who was a legendary trickster, it adds a touch of whimsy and adventure to your child’s identity.

12. Wily

Wily, stemming from Old English roots, offers a name brimming with playful mischief. Meaning “deceitful,” it captures the essence of a cunning and resourceful spirit, perfect for a spirited little boy.

13. Jaakobah

With its origins in Hebrew and Biblical lore, Jaakobah carries a sense of ancient wisdom and intrigue. Meaning “deceiver” or “deception,” it lends a touch of gravitas to your child’s name, resonating with timeless significance.

14. Osman

Osman, a classic name of Arabic descent, carries a weighty sense of history. Despite its traditional appeal, its meaning, “a lying snake” and “deceptive,” adds an element of mystery and depth to this timeless choice.

15. Cluanack

Hailing from Irish roots, Cluanack offers a name rich in cultural heritage. Meaning “deceitful” or “rogue,” it evokes images of rugged landscapes and ancient tales, adding a sense of adventure to your child’s identity.

16. Illhugi

For those seeking a name that stands out, Illhugi presents an intriguing option. With its Old Norse origins and meaning “one who lies and speaks untruths,” it carries a sense of mystery and depth, perfect for parents with a taste for the unconventional.

17. Reynard

Reynard exudes timeless elegance with its French origins. Referencing a legendary fox character known for his sly and cunning nature, it adds a touch of sophistication and charm to your child’s name.

18. Mephistophilus

Mephistophilus, affectionately known as Meph, offers a name brimming with mystique. Derived from Hebrew, Old English, and German origins, its meaning, “liar,” carries an air of intrigue and complexity, making it a compelling choice for parents seeking a name with depth.

19. Dajjal

Dajjal stands out as an uncommon yet captivating name of Arabic origin. Meaning “one who lies” or “great deceiver,” it carries a sense of enigmatic allure, perfect for parents looking to bestow upon their child a name rich in depth and meaning.

20. Tabrass

With its roots in Arabic and Muslim heritage, Tabrass offers a name steeped in cultural significance. Meaning “one who is known to be deceitful,” it captures the essence of mystery and intrigue, making it a distinctive choice for parents seeking a name with character and depth.

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